Post filed under : Press!
Post filed under : Press!
The former Men at Work frontman's festival-opening set at City Winery was equal parts concert and stand-up comedy routine, with Hay's dry wit keeping the audience in stitches throughout. But it was his insightful, often wistful, lyrics that made him the star of Americanafest.
Colin Reflects on Fierce Mercy

Colin Reflects on Fierce Mercy

Colin chats with Simon & Brian at Sodajerker about the writing of Fierce Mercy with Michael Giorgiades while also reflecting on some stories behind his classic hits. Listen it at:

Filed under : News , Press
Author : Colin Hay
Comment Number : No Comment Yet
Pure pop deliciousness with a touch of folksiness added for good measure
the crowd are in stitches with his stories but he balances the talk with these amazing songs
Colin talks songwriting with The Age

Colin talks songwriting with The Age

Colin sits down with Bernard Zuel from The Age – to chat about songwriting and the impact it has on the soul.   Read the full article here:

Filed under : News , Press
Author : Colin Hay
Comment Number : No Comment Yet
"Animated by its pensive, honest, and impassioned lyrics, and by a deeply-felt sense of urgency, especially in the song “The Last to Know,” which introduces the album’s title concept of “fierce mercy.”
“Fierce Mercy” is Hay’s lucky 13th solo album, and finds him in top form. At 63, his voice remains impossibly youthful, easily hitting the high notes of captivating roots-pop melodies for songs like “Come Tumbling Down.” As an expert storyteller with a knack for bringing characters to life, Hay has infused his new material with warmth and wry humor"
But the show stealing performance of the event came from former Men at Work frontman Colin Hay, who not only showed off his Americana side with a batch of cerebral tunes but also proved he is one of the funniest entertainers in music with quips about marriage, family, drugs, and even Americana music itself.
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